lectures and courses

University of Gastronomic Sciences – Pollenzo (Bra - CN)
Communication for Food Marketing | Graduate Degree in Food Innovation and Management (with prof. Fulvio Zendrini) | lang. EN
Food Communication | Master of Gastronomy: World Food cultures and mobility program | lang. EN
Communication skills | Master in Food Culture, Communication and Marketing | lang. ENG
Italian Institute of Culinary Art Cordon Bleu – Florence
History of Food | European Bachelor’s degree programme - 1st year | lang. ENG
Anthropology of Food | European Bachelor’s degree programme - 1st year | lang. ENG​
Antropologia del cibo | Corso di Alta Formazione in Arti e Scienze Culinarie | lang. ITA
IUL Università telematica degli studi – Florence
Antropologia del cibo | Master in giornalismo enogastronomico | lang. ITA
research projects
Current research projects are focused on the role of storytelling in communication for food marketing, with a particular focus on:
lobbying communication
crisis management
financial reporting
narrative economics
new technologies
buzzwords and original lexicon
Lectures and studies are mostly revolved around:
traditional food culture and culinary traditions as sites of memory
recreated “traditions”, mechanized mass-production of traditional foods, the market of the artificially built food-experiences (in food tourism, cookbooks and memoirs)
lexical and conceptual traps in communicating traditional and sustainable food
the "Italian Sounding" phenomenon in economical, cultural, political, social context
Current research projects aim at investigating the role of food and nutrition as tools for social control, with a particular focus on the relationship between food, gender equality and women’s empowerment.